We desire to be a people formed by the truth of the Gospel in all of life. In His high priestly prayer of John 17, Jesus asks the Father to “sanctify them (his disciples) in the truth” because he says, “your word is truth.” Since the word of God is Truth, and in it is found the word of Truth-the Gospel, we can know the God of Truth. As we grow in the knowledge of God and spiritual wisdom, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we will continue to ask:
• Who is God?
• What has God done in Redemptive history, primarily in the person and work of Christ?
• Who are we in light of that Truth?
• What are we called to do as a response?
• Who is God?
• What has God done in Redemptive history, primarily in the person and work of Christ?
• Who are we in light of that Truth?
• What are we called to do as a response?
We desire to be a people formed in the everyday presence of God’s Spirit as He applies what Jesus has done through His life, death, and resurrection to His church, individually and corporately. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to obey the “one another’s” of Scripture and display a glimpse of the kingdom to an unbelieving world.
We desire to be a people who make disciples that declare and display the good news of Jesus in everyday life for the glory of God and our joy. We gladly obey the command to make disciples, not to earn the approval of God, but out of the approval of God. We know that the mission will be successful because Jesus has promised us 2 things in Matthew 28:
- He has all authority in heaven and on earth
- He is always with us, even to the end of the age.